Archive for the ‘Abella Arthur’ Category

Philips Wake-up Light

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

Philips HF3520 Wake-Up Light Coloured Sunrise Simulation, White

Professional Psychic, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Numerologist (by PHONE only…)

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

My Mission

I’m here to help you in any way I can. I use all my knowledge, experience, education, skills, and passion to empower and encourage as well as help you see new sides to a situation.

I’m here to help you find YOUR path, YOUR wisdom.

I do this through offering psychic coaching, pragmatic decision making, spiritual therapy, and logical consultations.

I use astrology, tarot, numerology, and psychic impressions to gain hidden information. I bring information to the surface for you to look at.

One-off sessions:
First time client, $99
Repeat, $89
12-8pm Tuesday to Thursday
Take care of your well-being.
Ignite passion and life into your 2012.

For faster booking, email your request.

(Numerology) What does 11.11.11 ~ 11-11-11 ~ Eleven, Eleven, Eleven ~ November 11, 2011 mean?

Sunday, November 6th, 2011

People are fascinated with repeating numbers such as 11, 11, 11 as there’s a sense that some added power manifests; they would be right. In numerology, numbers have significance. Lets take a look at the meaning the number eleven has and how this date affects the world, in general, and the people, as a whole.

Keywords: Visionary, Perceptions, Foresight, Teacher, Educator, Speaking, Motivational Speaking and Preaching, Advertisers, Fanaticism Inspirational writing, Martyr, Justice, Integrity, The higher mind, Divinity, Healer, Healing, Choosing the High road, Wisdom, Light workers, Charitable. Devoted, Idealistic, Optimism, Spiritual Guru, Dharma, Luck, Heavenly downloads, The Higher Mind, Volunteerism, Being inspired, We are all one, Advanced education, Initiating independence, Empowerment, Excellence, Divine Will, The Word of God, Logos, Truth Seeker, Electrical light, Purposeful, Magic, Opinions, Dreamer, Knowing, Sacrificial, Bringer of Hope, Zealousness, Altruistic, Independence, Public service leaders, Non-profit, Not-for-profit, Spirit to Mind, Selflessness, Illumination, Enlightenment, An old soul, Pure spirit, The Angelic realm, Being “on”, Turned “on”, Fire-energy.


Stuff about the Number Eleven / 11, 11-11-11, November 11, 2001, and Numerology

As we get closer to the year 2012, the desire of those that follow the Gregorian calendar is that of initiating spiritual enlightenment on this date — either consciously or subconsciously. The people are ready to have a higher mind, to live a higher purpose, to help others even if they don’t get a direct return, to learn of, see, and speak the truth. They want justice and others to act in integrity. In this pursuit, people are willing to sacrifice their stability in a fanatical and overzealous way that could cause the sudden downfall of old foundations.

  • When numbers are experienced as a date, anyone who connects to that calendar’s energy will connect to the vibration it’s giving out. So if a country or culture follows another calendar, with another dating system, they are not likely to experience the vibrations of those numbers though if that country or culture is connected to those that do, they can be affected by that.
  • The whole date of November 11, 2011 adds up to an EIGHT.
  • Eleven is considered a master number. A master number resonates on a higher spiritual wave.
  • Have you ever suddenly looked at your clock and saw it was exactly 11:11 ? That means that you were connecting to a higher spiritual vibration at that time. A message is being delivered to you through the angelic realm, possibly from your own internal spiritual realm. Stop for a moment, next time that happens. Ask yourself: What message am I to receive? Receive it.
  • Some keywords include: visionary, inspirational, inspiring, spirituality, the higher mind, volunteerism, heavenly messages, optimism, education, insights, motivational, uplifting.
  • In numerology, numbers get reduced; however, master numbers are never reduced in calculations. Calculating 11 + 11 _ 2 + 11, we arrive at the number 35 which adds to an 8. While the numbers are 11, this will be an 8 day with 11 themes and energy. Interestingly, Edgar Cayce’s life path is a 35/8 and embodies the spirit of the number 11.
  • In it’s lower vibration, 2 — some meanings include: co-operation, balance, harmony, negotiation, and fairness.
  • As we get closer to the year, 2012, the desire of those that follow the Gregorian calendar is that of spiritual enlightenment. The people are ready to have a higher mind, to live for a higher purpose, to help others even if they don’t get a direct return, to see and speak the truth. They want justice and others to act, in integrity. In this pursuit, people are willing to sacrifice their stability in a fanatical and overzealous way

Current World Events

November 11, 2011 represents the dawning of a new time, a new way of life, a new way of seeing things in an exceptionally forceful way.

  • The collapse of the economy and current banking practice
  • Proposed censorship of the Internet, lobbied by music and movie organizations
  • OWS — Occupy Wall Street
  • A World Revolution
  • Ousting leaders of government, banking, & corporation


Possible Predictions

  • This day (total date adds up to number eight) will reflect freedom as it relates to power, wealth, health, business, resources, respect, authority, management, success, ruthlessness, leaders, strength, will, organization, control, money, matter, breath, etc. with the themes and energy of the number eleven.
  • World wealth is likely to see a change, for the better. Dow Jones could see a rise. The economy could bounce back having weathered recent storms.
  • A marked change or display in civil disobedience and diplomacy
  • Frustrations around difficulty in manifesting financial peace, initiating powerful inspiration and vision.
  • Exciting, and sudden spiritual and humanitarian changes are likely.
  • World leaders coming together to discuss world issues or beginning talks about plans to implement 8 type themes (see above)
  • Justice and judgement are likely to be made. This causes many to feel elated and successful.
  • Initiating, and manifesting spiritual business and wellness.


Check out your numbers

This is an excerpt from my Life Path Numerology Generator as it relates to the number 8 and one’s path forward:

Life Path :: Business Leader / Physical Distribution (8)

Your core self includes your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny.Today, the way to your life path, mission, or purpose is shown; however, in a live reading session I analyze and intuit all different aspects of your core self into one complete picture to give you a powerful reading that gives deeper insight into your personality, career interests, relationship opportunities, challenges, and so forth.

A life path, mission, or purpose is something a lot of people try to define for themselves. The funny thing is that it’s right before your eyes, nothing earth shattering and something you are always drawn to do. In fact, you may find yourself having a hard time achieving success working through your path but that’s part of the process of life, death, and being reborn (should you choose to believe in reincarnation).

Also your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny together makes a difference in where and how you work and live. Therefore, your life path may express itself in a slightly different way than what it says below. In addition, an inability to harmonize strengths and challenges can keep one away from their path. Please keep all these points in mind while reading and question yourself thoroughly.

Your life purpose is power, wealth, and health. You have the ability to manage resources quite well and because of this you are likely to run your own business, be the boss, and make lots of money!! In fact a spa, chiropractic clinic, or a health food business healing the body might really interest you as well but that all depends on the rest of your core personality and if you are still trying to find your way, let me assist you!

Some keywords: money, money, money!, body, health, energy, homeopathy, power, control, dominance, resources, planner, strategist, retail, auctions, budgets, sensuous, shopping, wealth, work, masculine, yang, Andrew Weil, natural foods, workaholic, fine dining, luxuriousness, distribution, owner, challenging, small business, big business, investments, CEO, executive, diet & exercise, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, lawyer, cosmetician, people manager, stockbroker, director, doctor, founder, director, loan shark, physical therapist (massage, physio, etc.), project manager.

Connects with the energy of Sun signs: Capricorn, Taurus, & Leo and the Elements: Earth & Fire

For number 11, it is Your life purpose is vision & enlightenment. As a rare individual you have the ability to see things many others do not and this leads to open many doors to new experiences.


Taken from my Gift Numerology Generator for the number eleven as it relates to a gift or strength that one possesses:

Gift :: Inspirational Visionary (11)

Your core self includes your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny.Today, the way to your gift is shown; however, in a live reading session I analyze and intuit all different aspects of your core self into one complete picture to give you a powerful reading that gives deeper insight into your personality, career interests, relationship opportunities, challenges, and so forth.

This free on-line reading has a lot of limitations and is not to be considered the whole of your self but rather a part of the whole.Your major gift is easy and comes naturally to you and everyone sees it plain and clear that that is what you are good at even if it isn’t acknowledged.

The following is not your only gift but is the main one which everyone would recognize within you.Also your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny together makes a difference in where and how you work and live. Therefore, your gift may express itself in a slightly different way than what it says below. In addition, self-esteem and other issues may be a factor as to whether you decide to suppress or use your gift. Please keep all these points in mind while reading and question yourself thoroughly.

When you are at your best you inspire, uplift, educate, and motivate others to move beyond surface reality. Naturally you are gifted at understanding the spiritual energies of people, places, and things.You help individuals all over the world take action and achieve their potential. However, if in the land of the darkness you may find yourself floating and not knowing quite how to use your gift to good ends. You may also use the lower vibrations of your gift by coaching, consulting, and counseling locally. This usually arises out of desire not to assert yourself forward. If this is the case, be cognizant that if you take the first step, you help others place their foot first too.

Some keywords: principal, photographer, teacher, inspiration, educating, volunteering, missionary, graphic designer, advertiser, spiritual guru, brand developer, individuals helping other individuals, Habitat for Humanity, Deepak Chopra, Steven Covey, Naomi Wolf.

Connects with the energy of Sun signs: ALL with brightest being Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Pisces, Virgo and Elements: Earth, Fire, Water, & Air

For number 8, it’s When at your best you understand and use mass (body, money, resources, skin, objects, and people) like no one else’s business. In fact, you probably run your own business or at the very least run someone else’s. Your motto is power, wealth, and health and your energy is unstoppable. Naturally you are gifted at anything to do with money, control & distribution, and/or the body. This can manifest in anything to do with business, industry, or physical health and breath. However, if in the land of darkness dominance, deceit, greed, and unethical practices can manifest and these unfriendly decisions can lead to the downfall of yourself and others. In this case, be cognizant that your ability to move mass can backfire if you do not consider the feelings, impressions, and thoughts of other people. (mass is weird)

Check out your numbers

About Abella Arthur, Numerologist & Numerology

Abella is considered a Numerologist because she studies and practices the art of numbers as related to prediction and how your life is affected by numbers. The way we love, work, and our purpose on this planet (amongst other things) can be found in numbers.

She has a natural affinity for numbers — how they look, the shape, what it’s saying to us esoterically.

Dates. Dates have a prominent importance in our life because they consist of numbers. And numbers, the universe, and everything living (which is essentially everything) has numerical vibrations.

Pythagoras, the Philosopher, Mathematician, Numerologist, Astronomer, Teacher and Musician (inspired by Egyptian God, Thoth — it appears), learned the powers of numbers while traveling to areas such as Egypt and Hindustan. For 22 years he learned from the Rabbis about the secret traditions of Moses as well as the Egyptian priests of Thebes, the Phoenicians, Syrians, and the Greek philosophers. In fact he came up with the term philosophy, Sophia, which means the love of wisdom.

There are many forms of numerology practiced: western, eastern, geomatria, etc. Abella practices an Eastern method shared with her by a friend who received that teaching from a guru.

She can be contacted for interviews about the date of November 11, 2011, 11/11/11, 11-11-11

Inspired? ©redit.

© Abella Arthur


* Note:

It wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t factor in astrology…
I’ll be following up this post with The Astrology of 11-11-11 over the next few days so come back for another visit! 8)

And do share and credit, if you were inspired or liked my post.

Reference List: Date 11/11/11, Date 111111, Date 11/11/2011, Date 11-11-11, Date 11 11 11. Time 11:11 Reference List: Metaphysics, Paranormal, Fate, Destiny, Random Chance, a Higher Power.

Reference List: Prediction, Predictions ~ Abella Jucy Arthur, Toronto, Ontario, Canada — News Story – 647-895-4233 — Numerologist, Numerology

A How-to Guide for Self-Tarot Reading

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Read Tarot Cards For Yourself

TarotSeek™ – A revolutionary unbiased and objective self-tarot reading system.
Author: Psychic Jucy

eBook Edition

Preview and purchase at,, and Smashwords

TarotSeek is a physically different way of reading the cards. It’s really a system and we have made it a SIMPLE system so simple that you’ll wonder, “Why didn’t I think of it?” But be sure, it took several years to get it this ‘simple’. 🙂

***This eBook has been specifically designed for Kindle and other eReaders. With a TOC, navigation, succinct text, and other design elements, it makes reading the guide more enjoyable***

TarotSeekâ„¢ is a physically different way of reading tarot cards for the 21st Century.

If you’re seeking an innovative, objective, unbiased, and successful approach to self-tarot reading, whether you are a novice or a professional, this guide is for you. However this guide is NOT a long-winded book about what the cards mean, layouts, history, mythos, or the magic of tarot.

This guide is for you if you don’t have the time or desire to spend hours, days, and months learning how to read tarot for yourself. And it’s not for you, if you’re seeking a ‘complete how-to tarot book’ that takes some time to get through. There are plenty of these wonderful books already available. Who needs another one?

By learning how to use this practical, simple and simply explained self-tarot reading method, you will gain many of the following benefits:

* Simplicity and bare essentials of tarot
* Objective & unbiased self-tarot readings
* No memorization of cards or layouts
* Read the cards immediately and accurately
* Step-by-step straightforward and useful instructions
* A time-saving, memorable, and quicker read
* Inspired thought, unrelated to the guide
* On-line support, coaching, and feedback

Connect with other TarotSeek Readers and get additional advice and help with your readings by signing up to the *TarotSeek VIP Tips Newsletter*.

This self tarot card reading system was created by a certified professional tarot reader and tarot teacher.

Preview and purchase at,, and Smashwords